4 good reasons to communicate with parents by SMS

Published on August 14, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Whether you're a School principal, CPE or Teacher, it's sometimes essential to be able to contact parents quickly. With SMS, sending information is easy and instantaneous.

SMS is a fast, reliable communication channel for notifying parents of events affecting their Child's Schooling life. Credit your digital space today with SMS to communicate effectively with families!
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1. Ensure rapid dissemination of information via smartphone

Today, most parents have a cell phone. Mr. Florent Hassler, School Principal of a Secondary school (Projet ENT CyberCollège) in the Loire County, confirms:

Some parents don't have the Internet at home, but they always have their phone close at hand.

usages sms skolengo
usages sms skolengo

2. Report a one-off event

By sending an SMS, the School can notify parents of a specific event, such as..:

  • absence(s) of a Teacher,
  • lateness of a Student in progress,
  • Serious disciplinary measures,
  • Class councils dates and times,
  • the next Parent-Teacher meeting, etc.

3. Alert parents in case of emergency

In the event of an emergency or unforeseen event, the tool can be used to immediately notify the family, for example:

  • that their Child has been injured at playtime and needs to be picked up,
  • a weather warning that prevents the bus from running,
  • a strike notice from teachers or canteen staff,
  • the impossibility of serving hot meals in the canteen, etc.

4. Communicating School projects and events

Parents can also keep up to date with School news via SMS. The School can :

  • provide them with information about the next school outing,
  • remind them of their Child's pool days,
  • ask them at the start of the year to consult the rules and regulations, etc.

Today, SMS is the best way to make instant contact, and has become an indispensable means of communicating effectively with families.

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How to send SMS from your ENT?

With the SMS functionality available in digital spaces using Skolengo, you can gain in efficiency No more time wasted trying to reach parents by phone or post. Sending SMS messages saves time and money for the School.

School principals, CPEs and Teachers (according to the rights defined in ENT) can send SMS messages to Legal guardians in 1 click from the Student record and Class record, or from the Schooling Dashboard for schools using Skolengo's Schooling module.

You can alsoorder SMS packspacks directly from your ENT via the "Settings > SMS" menu. SMS messages are credited within 24 hours after receipt of order.

comment envoyer des sms aux parents avec Skolengo ?
comment envoyer des sms aux parents avec Skolengo ?
Send an SMS from the Student record

Tip: Parents cannot reply to SMS messages sent by the School. However, it is possible to include the School's telephone number in the SMS message. Legal guardians can then simply click on the number in the text message to call the School back.

Example: Your Child Yann LEBAS didn't show up at Secondary school this morning. Please call the School on to explain his absence.

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