Interoperability and advanced integration with your information system

Skolengo integrates easily with your information system, thanks to a catalogue ofcatalog of business connectorsand strong integration capabilities. Relying oninteroperability standards (CAS, SAML...), our team carries out advancedadvanced integrationwith any third-party tool, ensuringperfect functional complementaritybetween solutions.

Users can access the Skolengo platform,via a single account and without re-authenticationto all their services, whether native or external, in a totally transparent way.

Unique login and password

More than 80 business connectors

Standard and open protocols and APIs

Select your industry connectors from our catalog

Skolengo can interconnect with the business connectors on the market. You can choose from among the 70 connectors in the catalog, and activate them either either autonomouslywithout the intervention of Skolengo teams, using the CAS protocol,or with the support of Skolengo's teams.However, if you wish to set up specificspecific connectorsnot included in the catalog, our teams can support you.
ONDE | Skolengo
ONDE | Skolengo

Educonnect | Skolengo
Educonnect | Skolengo

LSL - LSU | Skolengo
LSL - LSU | Skolengo

GAR | ENT Skolengo
GAR | ENT Skolengo

GAR - Digital resources access administrator
Moodle | Skolengo
Moodle | Skolengo

Office 365 | Skolengo
Office 365 | Skolengo

Office 365
Parcoursup | ENT Skolengo
Parcoursup | ENT Skolengo

Apogée | Skolengo pour l'enseignement supérieur
Apogée | Skolengo pour l'enseignement supérieur

Aurion | Skolengo pour l'enseignement supérieur
Aurion | Skolengo pour l'enseignement supérieur


Simplified, secure access to Skolengo

Identity federation

Skolengo can beidentity provider based on the French national education authorities' reference systems for Regional education authorities: ATEN or ARENA .
It can also integrate with existing identity providers providers (FranceConnect, EduConnect) on your information system. Via an LDAP or Active Directory server coupled with a compatible identity server (SAML, CAS, OpenID Connect), Skolengo integrates seamlessly with FranceConnect and Educonnect.

Unique authentication

The single sign-on system system enables users to access all their business applications without re-authenticating.a single login and passwordto access the various sites offered by the digital workspace under conditions that comply with the RGPD and SDET.
This authentication is based on technical standards:SSO, CAS, SAML, OpenIdConnect.

Find out more about identity federation

Aurion | Skolengo pour l'enseignement supérieur

Aurion | Skolengo pour l'enseignement supérieur

Advanced integration through APIs

Skolengo's experts offer advanced integration of external business Services using APIs (application programming interfaces). By mastering standard protocols such as SOAP, REST, JSON they seamlessly integrateseamlesslybusiness services. Users benefit froma more ergonomic solution.

Our team also develops its own APIs to offer you, for example, theMobile application.

Join our 5 million Users!

If you'd like to find out more about Skolengo, our team will be delighted to give you a demo.

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