Timetable Software

Design your Timetable step by step and modify it throughout the year

Design | Daily modification | ULIS/UPE2A management

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Why choose Skolengo's integrated Timetable software?

Comprehensive, intuitive software

Intuitive, simple design of your Timetable and day-to-day management

100% web

Design your School's Timetable anywhere, even on vacation

Flexible timetables

to suit each Student (ULIS, UPE2A...)

Software integrated into ENT

No more import problems. Data is automatically transferred to Attendance registers and Organiser.

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Timetable management software features

An assisted design tool to build your School's Timetable

L'simple, intuitive ergonomicsof the Timetable software makes it easy to get to grips with the solution. The logical layout of the School Principal menu guides the User through the step-by-step step by step.

The flexibility flexibility of the module means that the User retains control over the design of the Timetable to adapt to the School's specific requirements (group management, unavailability of classes and teachers, etc.).
Tableau de bord Emploi du temps Skolengo
Tableau de bord Emploi du temps Skolengo

School principal view: Timetable construction Dashboard

Integrated Dashboard for design monitoring

A real decision-making tool, the Dashboard guides management staff in adjusting the construction of the Timetable. It provides an overview of design progress and points of attention :
  • Course(s) en barrettes,
  • Percentage of complex Course(s) placed,
  • Number of courses placed per Class,
  • Number of students without groups
  • etc.

Intuitive settlement of Student groups

In the school Timetable software, a summary table helps the User to create, populate and control groups.

The creation is very quick Simply create a group, add students from their original class and options, and that's it!

Hover the mouse over the group to see the list of Students in the group.

Automatic and manual course placement

Tools for automating tasks such as automatic course placement save time.

Prioritize the most difficult Course(s) batches with automatic automatic placement. The speed of the tool enables automatic placement of all courses in a matter of seconds (except for the few Courses(s) that can't be ranked according to the rules you've predefined).

Then simply drag and drop the remaining Courses(s) manually with themanual placement.

Day-to-day management of the school timetable

The software is integrated with Skolengo, changes to the Timetable are automatically transferred to the textbook to the Organiser and Attendance registers in the Skolengo Schooling software.

The multi-display Timetables simplifies last-minute changes, such as short- or long-term short- or long-term replacement of a Teacher. Easily move or modify Courses(s) and create exceptional Lessons.

Visit free management of personalized periods responds to all periodic Course(s) situations (AP, Internships...).

Emploi du temps : absence d'un enseignant
Emploi du temps : absence d'un enseignant

Emploi du temps aménagés - skolengo
Emploi du temps aménagés - skolengo

Timetable: individualizing the lives of students with disabilities

Individualizing Student Timetables

Intuitive Timetable planning makes it possible toindividualize the learning paths of Students ULIS and UPE2A students.

The ability to display several Timetables (of the student concerned, of a Class, of a Teacher, of the student tutor, etc.) on the same screen, you can exempt the Student from certain Courses(s) and to add Courses(s) from another Class or another Teacher with a simple click.

Our users and customers testify on Timetable management software


Boost your teaching activities and provide individual support for each student

Schooling software

Ensure personalized follow-up for each learner.

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With a 100% web-based solution, design your Timetable anywhere, anytime!

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