
Ensures tailored follow-up for each learner


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schooling skolengo
schooling skolengo

schooling skolengo


personalised monitoring of students from their registration up until they leave the institution.

schooling skolengo


your school timetable easily and efficiently managing modifications, daily.

schooling skolengo


families in real-time of student attendance and behaviour.

Simplified management of absences

A dashboard is available to assist you in your daily work: the treatment of attendance registers and absences. Real-time alerts allowing emergencies to be handled (leaving class, drop-out alert, etc.).

A dashboard is dedicated to the supervision by the deputy principal: general monitoring of service actions, a detailed access to information and what has been happening in schooling.

Tableau de bord du CPE
Tableau de bord du CPE

évaluations par compétences
évaluations par compétences

Entry and monitoring of assessments

The teacher enters a mark and/or skills on the same homework.

A skills bulletin allows the teacher to monitor the skills learned by the student and helps in their final assessment.

Student record

Direct access to all the student’s data: their identity, contact details of their legal guardians, current class, attendance and behaviour.

An integrated agenda display of the student record provides a summary view of all the student’s classes as well as schooling events. Direct actions such as an observation, a dispensation, an absence, a punishment or a sanction, can be done from the student record depending on the profile (administration, form teacher, deputy principal).

Analysis of the data on behaviour and attendance allows a specific student to be helped and cases of absenteeism to be identified.

Fiche élève Skolengo
Fiche élève Skolengo

Animation du conseil de classe
Animation du conseil de classe

Tools for hosting class councils

Hosting mode (full screen projection) enables dynamic steering of class councils.

An overall view of each student’s results and their progress provides a clear picture for the teaching team.

The home liaison diary

Just like the paper format for the home liaison diary, the digital version reinforces the link between the school and the families.

The school can be sure whether or not the information disseminated via the home liaison diary has been seen by the legal guardians. This new tool can also allow the legal guardians to confirm that they have indeed read the information and to respond directly to a question asked, by yes or no.

This service can be adopted to both primary or secondary schools.

Carnet de liaison numérique 1D et 2D
Carnet de liaison numérique 1D et 2D

Gestion des stages des étudiants
Gestion des stages des étudiants

Internship management and educational monitoring

School staff can plan student internships in companies and sign contracts for them, directly in Skolengo.

Hear from our clients

The schooling module provides real flexibility when doing attendance registers. It is very simple to use and very interactive.  At a glance, the dashboard lets me know if a student has been absent before, the reason for their absence and if they have come back. In a single click, I can inform the family by a notification of absences. This module totally meets my schooling professional needs.
Florent Hassler, Principal


You can easily design your timetable step-by-step and update it throughout the year

Discover the module

Administrative & Finance

Provide efficient management of your school and simplify the administrative and financial procedures of the school and families

Discover the module

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