A digital solution for your school!

Skolengo Primary also enables institutions to animate their school network.

plan de relance skolengo primaire
plan de relance skolengo primaire

Skolengo primary is eligible for The Attendance register from the French Ministry of Education

Let's discuss your project

skolengo primaire, pour les écoles
skolengo primaire, pour les écoles

Primary ENT interconnects with :

skolengo primaire, pour les écoles
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec ONDE
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec ONDE
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec le GAR
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec le GAR
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec Educonnect
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec Educonnect

Skolengo business modules
to support your Teaching and administrative tasks

communication skolengo
communication skolengo


Develop and strengthen ties within your Educational community

collaboratif skolengo
collaboratif skolengo


Reinforce collaborative practices between Teacher and Students

pédagogie skolengo
pédagogie skolengo


Boost your teaching activities and provide individual support for each student

scolarité skolengo
scolarité skolengo


Ensure personalized follow-up of each learner: Absence(s) management, Grading...

gestion skolengo
gestion skolengo

Settings & Finance

Simplify your School's administrative and financial procedures

restauration skolengo
restauration skolengo


Don't miss a beat! Manage catering and billing more efficiently

ENT primary's main functions

Primary ENT Teaching binder

The Teacher can create activities and organize them as they wish in their Binder. To make the course more attractive, the ENT Teaching binder provides tools for inserting videos, images, online exercises and audio recordings. Activities can also be broadcast directly to the Student's Binder. Thanks to full-screen display, teachers can use the content to animate their lessons.

The Student has access to a Teaching binder containing all the activities provided by the Teacher.

Production notebook

The Student can independently create their own multimedia activities (presentation support, photos of class achievements, etc.) using the ENT dedicated to schools.

The Teachercan consult, correct and amend activities created by students.

Activities calendar

Teachers and familiesfollow all activities, Pieces of work to do and reminders by week and day. Consult back to the past to facilitate Teaching follow-up.

Home liaison diary

The ENT Home liaison diaryfacilitates direct communicationbetween teachers and families.

The Teacher can pass on information to parents about their child(ren)'s learning, primary school life, upcoming school outings, etc.

Parents can have the opportunity to confirm that they have read the information.

The Home liaison diary can also be used to distribute short surveys to which Legal guardians can answer yes or no, for example, to accompany a school outing.


Parents canfind all their Child's work to do at a glance.

The Teacher can quickly enter Lesson content and reminders for Students. With a single click, they can enter a work to do and ask students to deliver it in text, audio or attachment format.

The Student can view and track Pieces of work, consult reminders and hand in assignments requested by the Teacher.

Other services available via your primary ENT!

page d'accueil Skolengo primaire
page d'accueil Skolengo primaire

Example of a school website Home page

page d'accueil Skolengo primaire

School website

page d'accueil Skolengo primaire

School intranet

page d'accueil Skolengo primaire

Mediacentre GAR

page d'accueil Skolengo primaire

Office software online

page d'accueil Skolengo primaire


Teaching and Settings continuity from primary to secondary level

"Thanks to the Skolengo ENT, all the teams in our group of Schools (primary and secondary) work with a single tool. This means we can provide unified support for Teaching continuity with students and parents. And we're gradually introducing continuity between primary and secondary schools."Céline Alric, School Principal, Amsterdam

Skolengo for Secondary schools

How to equip your school
with Skolengo primary ENT?

Let's discuss your project together!


Skolengo is also listed in the UGAP CATALOGUEcatalogue, as part of the "multi-publisher software" offer, under our publisher's name: Kosmos

They use Skolengo ENT for Primary schools

L'école Vincent Van Gogh d'Amsterdam a choisi Skolengo primaire
L'école Vincent Van Gogh d'Amsterdam a choisi Skolengo primaire
The Vincent Van Gogh School in Amsterdam
L'école de Blanc-Mesnil a choisi Skolengo primaire
L'école de Blanc-Mesnil a choisi Skolengo primaire
The city of Blanc-Mesnil for its schools
La région Bourgogne Franche Comté a choisi l'ENT Skolengo
La région Bourgogne Franche Comté a choisi l'ENT Skolengo
Schools in the Eclat BFC project