Why choose SMS to communicate with parents?

Published on August 20, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

SMS is today's most effective communication channel, with a record read rate.

SMS temps lecture
SMS temps lecture

To make sure your message is read

Today, SMS is the best medium for contacting your recipients anywhere, anytime. Indeed, the vast majority of the population is equipped with a cell phone, and can therefore view their SMS messages without having an Internet connection, unlike email or access to the ENT portal. What's more, these days SMS is the communication medium with the greatest impact. Its read rate is close to 95%, including 90% within 4 minutes of receipt, which is a record.
With ENT Skolengo, you can send SMS directly from your platform, securely, selecting your recipients according to their profile (half-boarders, school transport users...).

Order your SMS packs

To warn of an emergency

Sending SMS messages can be a real time-saver when it comes to notifying you of an emergency, such as an injury on the playground or in a sports class, or a sick pupil.sports class, a student who's sick, to notify all the parents in a class that their teacher will be absent, or a case of covid in the class. In fact, the ENT text messaging service enables you to notify all the parents in a class in just 1 click, ensuring that the information is passed on to all (unlike email).This ensures that the information is passed on to everyone (unlike email, which may not be seen or read immediately), and avoids time-consuming phone calls to each parent.

More broadly, SMS will help you warn parents of any unforeseen disruptions to school life, such as strikes, the closure of the canteen or self-service restaurant, or the cancellation of school transport services...

SMS urgence accident
SMS urgence accident

To send reminders

SMS text messaging is a great tool for preventing forgetfulness. They make it easy to send reminders of meetings, class outings or appointments.
For example, you can send SMS messages from the ENT to parents of students to remind them of the date of the next Parent-Teacher meeting:
"In the current context, we'd like to suggest a meeting with your Child's Teacher Maxime Ledux on Tuesday, February 7 at 6.30pm via Videoconference. We will send you all the connection information by email 3 days before the appointment. "
What's more, you'll be able to find all your sent SMS messages (content, recipients, date sent) in each student's record for better tracking.

And, of course, to manage Absence(s)

Managing student Absence(s) is the main use of text messaging via ENT.
> In Secondary schools, to notify parents of their child(ren)'s absences and lateness(es).
> In primary schools, to obtain reasons(s) for students' absences and follow up on their return to class.
Once the list of absent pupils has been retrieved via The attendance register, the Schooling department can send SMS messages to the parents of the pupils concerned, selecting them one by one, or class by class. Messages can be written freely, and if you wish, you can choose the Direct mailing option to personalize your SMS messages. This feature enables you to automatically add personal information to your SMS messages, such as first and last names, age or class, or the current date.
Finally, the tracking table lets you check the status of your SMS messages.

SMS is the channel for effectiveeffective targeting targeting of your recipientssending processthe freedom toto write your own messages (no predefined templates), immediate immediate distributionand the assurance of a transmitted and consulted..

Discover all the situations in which schools can benefit from using SMS to communicate with their students' parents:

Report / inform en masse :

  • Absence(s) of a Teacher
  • notice of teachers' strike
  • advance notice of strike by extracurricular activities staff
  • strike notice from canteen staff
  • a problem with school transport
  • bad weather alert: school closure
  • class closure (covid)
  • inability to serve hot meals in the canteen
  • dates and times of the next Class councils and parent-teacher meetings
  • dates of parent-teacher elections
  • dates for fire drills, intruder alerts, storm alerts, etc.
  • the next school outing (swimming pool, cinema, zoo...)
  • the date of the class photo / the deadline for ordering the class photo
  • news about Students on Class trips abroad
  • the need to sign the school rules and regulations
  • provide the supply list (including in your SMS the URL of the web page where the list can be found)

Report / inform individually :

  • injury to a Student in PE Course(s) / in the playground ...
  • a Student has a fever of over 38.5°C
  • Disciplinary measures / behavioral problems
  • non-transmission of an administrative document (e.g. leave authorization)
  • a reminder of an appointment with Schooling/Teacher/Director
  • a reminder to pay an overdue bill

Discover our sliding scale rates, from 6.5cts per SMS :

See rates

Discover our video tutorials to learn how to send SMS from your ENT in 2 minutes :

Find out more

Do you still have questions after reading this article?Email us at contact@skolengo.com
or discover all the answers to the most frequently asked questions about SMS from our Usersby clicking here.

kit de communication par SMS
kit de communication par SMS
To help you inform parents that they can receive SMS messages from you, take a look at our ready-to-use, customizable templates.
