Schooling software: think Skolengo!

Published on January 25, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Skolengo's integrated Schooling software has been designed in collaboration with users. All Schooling services are available online, whether you work remotely or in person.

Discover the different facets of Skolengo's Schooling module through a Teacher's testimonial, a video presentation and an infographic.


A maths teacher (54) shares her experience of using the Attendance register and Grading services in the Schooling module.

See the interview


Discover the video module already adopted by 800 Schools.

Watch the video


Schools that have adopted Skolengo's Schooling module have seen a 100% increase in use of their ENT.

Discover the infographic

With this Schooling integrated with Skolengo, Users work in a unique a single environment environment which simplifies exchanges between ENT Services ENT services and guarantees data reliability data.

The Schooling module being 100% web-baseda simple Internet connection is all you need to access it anywhere, anytime.

The Schooling module is easy to use easy to use and highly interactive.At a glance, the Dashboard lets me know if a Student has ever been absent, the Reason(s), and if he or she has returned. And with just one click, we can send a notification to the family.Jean-Michel Delaune, Secondary school Principal (42)

Logiciel de gestion scolaire-Skolengo-fiche- eleves
Logiciel de gestion scolaire-Skolengo-fiche- eleves

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