Prepare your data for a smooth start to the new school year with ENT

Published on June 23, 2023 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

ENT Skolengo is a solution that fully manages the change of year. It offers automatic data storage and archiving. Certain actions can also be carried out directly by users to ensure a smooth start to the new school year. All this makes back-to-school preparation much easier for School staff.

Change of year: Skolengo automatically stores and archives your data

In particular, it proposes:

  • Conservation
    • Personal services data (folders created in the Teaching binder, Portfolio, Forms, Personal agenda and Bookmarks)
    • user preferences (including cell phone numbers modified by users)
    • all contents of non-temporary Sections, including the contents of Shared folders
    • Administrator rights and roles for all Services
données rentrée scolaire skolengo
données rentrée scolaire skolengo
  • Archiving
    • the Organiser textbook
    • numerous elements of The attendance register: Summary of skills, Grading registers, Report cards, End-of-cycle assessments, Attendance sheets, IPT - Interdisciplinary Practices Teaching, Disciplinary measures, Absence statistics.
    • Sections for classes in year N and temporary Sections for one year by default
    • MEN exports

Change of year: what your School needs to do to start the new school year on the right foot

  • Retrieving the contents of Class Sections before archiving them

At the end of each school year, class Sections are archived to make room for the to make room for those of the following year. They are moved to the recycle garbage can, but remain accessible to the Section Manager and Administrator for another year. The latter can then restore the recycle garbage can to retrieve the content they wish to keep (or reuse) for the new school year. These recovered items can also be added to existing content.

  • Upstream classification of temporary and non-temporary Sections

At the start of the year, the "Sections Administrator" Userdefines temporary Sections which will be automatically archived. When the year changes, certain temporary Sections may be retained for the following year. It is therefore possible to define them as permanent Sections. Simply uncheck the "Temporary section" box in the parameters of the Sections concerned.

rubriques établissement avec skolengo
rubriques établissement avec skolengo
  • Saving manually created free groups

At the start of the year, the "Group Administrator" User can create groups manually (permanent or limited to the school year). If you wish to make a group permanent for the following year, simply change its status and set its lifespan to "open-ended".

  • E-mail archiving

At the end of the school year, it's also time for Users to select the messages they want to keep. To do this, they simply file all the messages they want to keep in one of their personal folders: all inactive messages still present in their inboxes will be automatically deleted.

For certain user profiles (notably students and parents, but this may vary according to ENT projects), data stored in the Archive folder are deleted.

archivage mails sur skolengo
archivage mails sur skolengo

  • Moodle archiving

If a teacher moves to a new School, he or she will need to save the Moodle courses he or she wishes to re-use in his or her future School, using the same digital workspace.

More details on how to prepare your data for a smooth start to the new school year?
Go to the online help forSkolengo Academy online help