EMS (Education Management Software) for schools, Secondary schools and High schools: definition, advantages and developments

Published on March 14, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

The EMS (Education Management Software), which appeared in the late 2000s, is a digital platform for the entire Educational community. It provides access to a range of integrated digital services via a single, secure account. ENTs are diversifying and evolving in all sectors of education, and have made it possible to ensure teaching and administrative continuity during periods of successive school closures.

What is an ENT?

A digital workspace is the digital extension of the School. It is used to simplify and optimize the overall operation of any educational establishment (primary school, secondary school, high school, university or training organization).

ENT is designed for the entire Educational community Teachers, Students and their families, and School staff.

An ENT is a multiservice platform allowing users to communicate, exchange data and access dedicated digital services according to their profile. This digital workspace is secure and accessible via a single account.

ENT college lycee Skolengo
ENT college lycee Skolengo

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ENT: what's in it for the Educational community?

There are many advantages to using a digital workspace for schools, colleges and schools, Secondary schools and High schools :

  1. Collaborate ENT reinforces collaborative working within the Educational community, with tools such as class areas, blogs, forums, chats and shared folders. It also helps to develop synergies between staff to increase efficiency (modified data is shared in real time with the Services that need it).
  2. Communicate Communication: some ENT editors offer a CMS tool that can be used to design the School's website to promote its projects and communicate more effectively with families. In addition to mailboxes, other tools such as forms, targeted communication and SMS text messaging enable effective mass or targeted communication with the entire Educational community, directly from the ENT.
  3. Diversify and individualize learning Teaching: digital workspaces offer teaching tools for creating interactive activities and tracking the learning progress of each student on an individual basis. ENT enables students to develop their autonomy and prepares them for the professional use of digital tools in a safe, supervised way.
  4. Simplify the information system ENT simplifies the patchwork of School applications. With a single account (identifier and password), each User can access all the Services he or she needs from a single location. This frees the School from the complex management of multiple digital solutions (suppliers and maintenance). Digital workspaces can be interoperable with the majority of business connectors on the market and therefore with the tools already in use in the School (Siècle, Onde, Educonnect, Gabriel, Moodle, Aurion, GAR, Apogée, Yparéo, office 365...).
  5. Secure exchanges Assignment(s): ENTs must comply with the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation). It is important to check with your ENT publisher that all data is hosted in France in an ISO 27001-certified datacenter datacenter in France, guaranteeing the School a high level of security. Some publishers have expertise in identity federation, enabling them to securely manage user access and connections according to their profile (teachers, students, parents, School staff, etc.).

ENT: challenges and developments

ent espace numérique de travail skolengo
ent espace numérique de travail skolengo

Launched in the 2000s, ENTs have diversified and evolved considerably. In addition to teaching services, school life schooling and Timetable services, these systems can also offer administrative and financial tools for administrative and financial management, canteen/self-catering/cafeteria management or extracurricular activities to meet all School needs. Initially open to secondary schools, Secondary school and High schoolENTs are now being deployed in Primary schools and are also being adapted to meet the needs of higher education, vocational training and continuing education.

During the health crisis, ENT was the key to keystone of Teaching and Settings continuity.. With millions of connections every day, they enabled Students to stay in touch with their School and continue learning at a distance. ENTs represent a unrivalled framework of trust when it comes to protecting personal data.

Digital workspaces are now recognized by all as a central device for teaching and Settings continuity in all circumstances.

Our answers to your questions

Where can I find a list of Students in a Class?

The "Student records" service, accessible from the "Schooling" or "Schooling" menu (different names for different ENT projects), provides information on all students at the school.
You'll also find the "trombinoscope" of each class or group, downloadable in PDF and printable.

How to consult work to do on ENT?

The latest Pieces of work appear directly in the "Work to do" block.Work to do"block on your personal Home page, whether from a Student or Parent/Legal guardians point of view. You can access all the given Pieces of work by clicking on "More details".

How can I see absent teachers on ENT?

On your Timetable in ENT, you'll find the words "Cancelled" on the Lesson and the label "Absent teacher" in the Consult side panel that opens on the right of the screen.

How do I justify a Student's absence online?

According to Schooling guidelines, you can contact Schooling to justify an absence directly via the internal mailbox.
The Absence(s) Administrator can authorize legal guardians to reply to/justify an absence via the online file, in order to adapt the service to the needs of the School's policy.