Use Targeted communication to strengthen exchanges with the Educational community

Published on May 22, 2019 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Skolengo offers features to simplify communication between its Users. Targeted communication is a powerful tool for communicating easily with several groups of users. It enables a partner portal (Regional education authority or Local authority) or a school to carry out mass communication actions aimed at specific user targets.

Targeted communication is entirely controlled by the sender, who selects the recipients prior to distribution, as well as the delivery method according to the user's profile (news, announcements or mailbox).
  • Partner portals can post news and announcements to their network's schools, as well as announcements on their own portal. They can also communicate via the Skolengo Mailbox.
  • The School portal can broadcast ads only on its own portal, or send targeted communication. For school complexes, it is possible to select one of the schools in the complex.

A wizard is provided on our solution to help the User put the communication online. In this way, the person in charge of Targeted communication has just 3 steps to complete:
  • Define the target : Choose who will receive the communication in preparation. Up to 10 targets can be defined.
  • Choose and configure the action: the sender has the option of treating the communication as a news item, an announcement or a message.
  • Trigger the action : the final step is to send the communication to all targets.

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