[Testimonial] How do 4 1D-2D School principals communicate with Skolengo?

Published on January 31, 2019 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Skolengo's communication tools are an undeniable asset in the relationship between Schools and families. 4 School principals share their experiences of using these tools on a daily basis.

Sylvie HochartSchool Principal at Jacques Daviel secondary school in Mesnil-en-Ouche (27), Florent HasslerSchool Principal at Notre Dame des Collines secondary school in Rive-de-Gier (42), Jean-Michel DelauneSchool Principal at Louise Michel secondary school in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray (76) and Romuald DelattreSchool Principal at Les Colombes school in Houdain (62) talk about how they use these tools, and how they have changed the way their School operates.

A secure internal mailbox for communication with families

Internal mailbox is the School's first ENT communication tool, enabling secure communication within the School. This business tool, organized into communication spheres, is only accessible to School users (staff, students and families).
At Louise Michel Secondary school, Mailbox was one of the first functionalities used by teachers to correspond with students and parents. Its use then enabled the School to adopt the other ENT tools.

" Mailboxes are now widely used in the Secondary school to communicate with families when parents are not necessarily in the School. Conversely, families can exchange with teachers to clarify points seen in Class, inform them of difficulties encountered etc. "
Sylvie Hochart, School Principal, Secondary school Jacques Daviel (27)

For Mrs Hochart, the ENT Mailbox is a very important tool for communicating with families. In this rural Secondary school in the Eure region, located at the center of a vast territory of 16 communes, it can be difficult to reach parents and pass on information. The Mailbox enables all members of the Educational community (management, school life, teachers, parents and students) to exchange information quickly and easily.

Targeted communication to cope with everyday hazards

In addition to Mailbox, Mrs Hochart also uses the Targeted communication feature, which enables her to communicate en masse, by precisely choosing her targets. This tool, which allows messages to be managed in order of priority, makes it possible to transmit important and urgent information to all Users (and in particular directly to families), in just a few minutes. Transport problems, strikes... the hazards of School life can be easily managed.
Mailboxes and Targeted communication can be accessed via the ENT mobile application, which is available to all families. So information is always at hand.

" Generations are moving faster and faster in the use of cell phones. There are more and more parents who don't have Internet at home, but who always have their phone at hand. So it's on their phones that they consult the ENT the most. "
Florent Hassler, School Principal, Secondary school Notre Dame des Collines.

School website public Home page

Last but not least, the public Home page is the School's showcase, providing a positive image to the outside world by highlighting news and projects. At Les Colombes school, the Home page was used to reassure parents of children entering kindergarten for the first time, and to inform them about the various partners involved: after-school care, parents' association, etc.
For Mr Hassler and Ms Hochart, the strength of the Home page lies in its link with the private part of the ENT. Indeed, thanks to the blog articles that feed the page, it's easy to communicate in a public way, while encouraging users to log in for more information. The Home page is therefore the gateway to the ENT and a first step towards the development of digital Practices in the School.

Skolengo certifié Qualiopi

Skolengo certifié Qualiopi

"The Home page attracts families and encourages them to log on to the ENT and see all the services it offers. "
Sylvie Hochart, Secondary school Jacques Daviel School Principal

These Skolengo-integrated communication tools enable Schools to maintain links with families. But let's not forget that the solution's Other services also enable exchanges and communication within the School. In particular, the Organiser remains the privileged communication link between Teacher and Student.