New Skolengo products for back-to-school 2023

Published on September 4, 2023 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

The whole team wishes you a wonderful back-to-school season in 2023! To help you prepare for the new school year, Skolengo has launched a number of new features that have been acclaimed by our Users. In this article, we'll introduce you to the Mobile application for teachers, the simplified Attendance register and how to save time with Mailbox...

The main new features of the new school year are :

Request a demo of the Schooling module

The Skolengo mobile application

The Skolengo mobile application is now available for Teachers. The mobile application gives teachers easy access to key ENT services from their smartphone at any time:

  • Consult their Timetable and Organiser content
  • Find Pieces of work sent to students
  • Consult and reply to School Mailbox messages
  • Keep up to date with School news.

If the School has the Schooling Skolengoteachers can easily make the call Do the register with their smartphone.. At any time, you can indicate a student's absence or notify the infirmary of a departure.

Are you a Parent and a Teacher?You can add several accounts (Teacher, Parent and Student) on a single device: access to each account can be protected by a PIN code.

In the near future, the application will also enable you to write new messages.

To find out more

connexion enseignants appli mobile
connexion enseignants appli mobile

Schooling module

Simplifying The attendance register for Teachers

With Skolengo, it is now possible for a Teacher to Do the register from any screen at any time. of their Course(s). This is made possible by a "My day" button button has been permanently added to the top right-hand corner of Skolengo. L'Teacher gains in efficiency by keeping the context of his or her lesson and can resume, after having made the attendance register, at the point where he or she left off, without having to perform any additional operations.

After the day's 1st Attendance registerteachers who will be teaching subsequent Courses(s) can simply Confirmtheir Attendance registers..The Attendance register, via the "My day" button, takes into account all timetable adjustments.

mini-appel skolengo
mini-appel skolengo

Travail à faire évaluer
Travail à faire évaluer

Grade a work to do directly from the Organiser

For greater efficiency, Teachers canGrade students directly on their work to do.. A Grade or Skills can be linked to a Work to do. A new Assignment(s) is created in the "Grading" tab once the assessed work to be done has been distributed.

Grading: centralized configuration tool for School principals

All parameters are now available in a simplified way from the Grading duty.
At the top of the pages in this service, managers can access all the functions access to all Grading functionalities via a gearwheel. previously grouped under the Grading Duty Settings and Administrator Services.

Paramétrage des évaluations
Paramétrage des évaluations

Saisie en masse du rapprochement des matières
Saisie en masse du rapprochement des matières

Mass reconciliation of subjects in Grading duty

No need to enter each subject in the same way as a main subject for each Student! You can nowautomatically associate related subjects with the main subject for all students.. All you have to do is select the subjects that apply to a main subject, and with one click you can apply them to all your students.

Easier monitoring of students with special needs

Students with special needs can be identified as such and managed in dedicated groups, This makes it easier for teachers to identify and manage them within the Grading and Mailbox modules. This group of students is then highlighted on the Student record and in the Mailbox. A School can now communicate directly via Mailbox with a group corresponding to a device.

Liste des dispositifs particuliers
Liste des dispositifs particuliers

Teaching Module

Integrate a Moodle Course(s) directly from the Organiser

Moodle intégré à Skolengo
Moodle intégré à Skolengo
Moodle courses can now be integrated into Organiser lessons.
Via a Moodle" buttonbutton, the Teacher can add a Moodle Course(s) to the textbook's Work to do. He can accessto all their Moodle Courses courses and select the one of interest. The Student's Work to do includes the title of the activity and a direct link to the Moodle activity. direct link to the Moodle activity.

Learn more about Moodle integration in Skolengo

Collaborative module

Shared folders: trash files

Your Shared folders now have a recycle garbage can, which comes in handy if you delete them by mistake. This means you can go back in time or delete your documents permanently if you wish.
Mettre un fichier à la corbeille
Mettre un fichier à la corbeille

Communication module

Skolengo's Mailbox becomes a real work tool

The Mailbox's Search engine now makes it possible to search for messages more by subject, content, recipient and Attached document(s) Title.
Find out more about Skolengo Academy

Timetable module

Contraintes de placement Emploi du temps
Contraintes de placement Emploi du temps

Placement constraints taken into account when creating Courses(s) in the Timetable

When creating Courses(s) in the Timetable, managers can now define slots to prevent Courses(s) from being placed in these times.according to multiple criteria.

Print Timetables without color

If you want to optimize your printing costs, you can now choose whether you want to print your Timetables with or without color.

Impression  de l'emploi du temps sans couleur
Impression de l'emploi du temps sans couleur

Skolengo Analytics
Skolengo Analytics

Statistics Module

To go further than the National Audience Measurement System (DNMA), the Skolengo Analytics module now offers :
  • the Statistics on visits to editorial content but also those of the Home page
  • visit Mobile application visit statistics
To find out more

Settings & Finance Module

Possibility of exporting Student data in year N+1

The Administration, Finance and Timetable modules enable you to work on the on the basis of projected enrolments(pre-registration, registration and re-registration). In fact, to anticipate the Timetable for the coming school year, it is now possible to export Student data for the following year throughout your current year.
exporter les données des élèves pour préparer l'emploi du temps
exporter les données des élèves pour préparer l'emploi du temps

Simplified transmission of enrolments to the Ministry of National Education and the General Secretariat of Catholic Teaching

Skolengo simplifies the process of transmitting Class enrolments between French private schools, the French Ministry of Education and the Secrétariat Général de l'Enseignement Catholique (SGEC).
The exports of data are now possible:
  • for secondary school students: towardsSchool Information System and GABRIEL
  • for primary school students: to ONDE and ANGE.

Automatic address entry

To improve the quality of the addresses entered, Skolengo now offers a Directorybased on government data.

saisie automatique des adresses
saisie automatique des adresses

Optimisation du portail famille sur Skolengo
Optimisation du portail famille sur Skolengo

A new look for the family Portal

Skolengo has redesigned the ergonomics of the service provided to families to make iteasier to navigate and use.

As a result, families can now more easily track and viewupcoming deadlines and payments, as well as invoicesinvoices and payments.

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