What's new on Skolengo for back-to-school 2021

Published on September 1, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

This summer, the Skolengo teams have been developing new features for Skolengo in response to user feedback. The whole team wishes you all the best for the new school year 2021!


calcul des moyennes sur les bulletins skolengo
calcul des moyennes sur les bulletins skolengo

Set the calculation mode for averages on bulletins

The School principal can set the way averages are calculated according to 2 options: the average of Sub-subjects OR the average of Subject grades.
Settings > Administrator > Grading > Settings management
évaluations rapporté une note sur 20 sur skolengo
évaluations rapporté une note sur 20 sur skolengo

Report an Assignment(s) Grade out of 20

This evolution allows a Grading graded on a scale other than 20 to be reported out of 20 and will therefore count as much as an Assignment(s) out of 20.
trombinoscope classe élèves
trombinoscope classe élèves

Download in PDF and/or print out the trombinoscope

Teachers can download and print the trombinoscope of the Class, a group or just a selection of Students
sanctions et punitions filtres skolengo
sanctions et punitions filtres skolengo

Improving Serious disciplinary measures services

The filters on the Serious disciplinary measures screen have been improved to make searches clearer and more efficient.
référentiel de compétences MEN skolengo
référentiel de compétences MEN skolengo

Skills Repository Update

Our Skills Repository is now up to date with the latest version published by the French Ministry of Education.


communication ciblée Skolengo
communication ciblée Skolengo

Modernization & optimization of targeted communications on the Home page

The design of news and announcements published on the Home page is now more customizable. Title and description formatting can be varied: bold, italic, changeable colors, etc...


corrigé individuel travail à faire élèves skolengo
corrigé individuel travail à faire élèves skolengo

Highlighting the availability of an Individual corrected assignment for the Student

From the Organiser Home page, the Student can see that an individual corrected assignment is available.

Settings & Finance

facturation n+1 skolengo
facturation n+1 skolengo

Closer links between Registration and Finance Services

Year N+1 invoicing: enables invoicing from April/May of registrations for the following year

gestion de la TVA skolengo
gestion de la TVA skolengo

VAT management

Configure different VAT rates for invoicing in parameters


import restauration skolengo
import restauration skolengo

Settings data import

Import Student, Manager and Staff data in CSV format to initialize the Catering module

In progress :

  • Dematerialization of administrative tasks
    • Pre-school survey Student data can be extracted according to filters (number of French students in each class, number of national students, etc.).
    • Better management of additional information Complementary information: these fields can be used to enrich and personalize the information provided according to the needs of each School. It is now possible to extract data according to the additional information entered.
  • Catering
    • Reservation table Allows you to obtain a monthly summary of the number of people registered at the canteen each day (number of half-boarders, number of reservations, etc.).
    • Direct debit notification e-mail To notify parents that they will be billed on a given day for the monthly canteen fees.

Skolengo Primary

For schools using Skolengo Primary, you will soon be able to accessyour modernized platformnew colors, revised and more inviting icons, ...

page d'accueil primaire Skolengo
page d'accueil primaire Skolengo