Skolengo for families: as a Parent, what can I do with Skolengo?

Published on June 8, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Skolengo promotes communication between the School and families. Legal guardians can Consult the School's news on its website. On their smartphones, via the Mobile application, parents can also consult their child's grades and work to do. They are informed, by SMS or email, of their Child's Absence(s) or of the next Educational counselling meeting.

First steps on Skolengo

Find out how to connect to the ENT interface and how to use it on a daily basis.
infographie premier pas sur l'ent pour les parents skolengo
infographie premier pas sur l'ent pour les parents skolengo
infographie premier pas sur l'ent pour les parents skolengo 2
infographie premier pas sur l'ent pour les parents skolengo 2

Parents who use Skolengo testify:

With the Home liaison diary, I've been able to find out about a common test for the bac blanc and also about a future Class field trip. It's a real time-saver!
This ENT is very pretty with its Home page, and what's more, you can see our children's work to do right away!
By quickly consulting the Timetable, I know what time to meet my daughter in front of the High school.