Seine-Saint-Denis: authors and Secondary-school students exchange ideas via videoconference at the "Salon du livre et de la presse jeunesse".

Published on January 7, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Every December, the Salon du Livre et de la Presse Jeunesse in Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis, encourages meetings between authors and Secondary-school students from the County. For this special 2020 edition, part of these exchanges took place via videoconference, thanks to the Videoconference service integrated into the Webcollège ENT.

Webcollege ENT and Videoconference to help the organizers of the Montreuil Book Fair

Since the start of the school year 130 Secondary schools in Seine-Saint-Denis have been using the Skolengo platform under the name Webcollege. The service Videoconference service has been activated gradually. It was first used to run virtual Virtual classes and then extended to organize meetings and exchanges with partners from outside the School.

The Salon du livre et de la presse jeunesse is an event supported by the County council of Seine-Saint-Denis, which offers Secondary schools the opportunity to take part and meet authors. For Marie Carpio, ENT Project Manager at the Seine-Saint-Denis County council, the County council's ENT and web portal (supported by the Skolengo solution) have facilitated exchanges with Schools. :

Visioconférence Skolengo au salon du livre - Seine-Saint-Denis
Visioconférence Skolengo au salon du livre - Seine-Saint-Denis

With the Webcollege ENT, we created and sent a form to School principals: 11 colleges chose to organize distance exchanges. The County's Portal enabled us to distribute Resources on authors.

Marie Carpio herself trained the show's project leaders in the use of Webcollege and the Videoconference service integrated into the ENT: "the project leaders were very quickly autonomous and took ownership of the various ENT Services. They created articles and forms, and used Targeted communication to communicate with teachers". They also made over 70 videos by authors available to Teachers on the ENT, and organized Videoconferences with them.

For Madame Castelneau, deputy manager of the Publics and Mediation department at the Salon du livre : "At the end of the Salon, we received testimonials from teachers saying that the dematerialized encounters were beneficial for their students: privileged, individualized exchanges with authors, classes focused on the encounter, satisfactory interactivity."
In the years to come, technical and financial resources permitting, the dematerialization of certain literary encounters could therefore be a complementary offering to the Salon's face-to-face programming. In any case, we feel that for Teachers, this is an alternative to which they could adhere more widely now that they have been able to experiment and verify its feasibility from the platform deployed on the ENT.

Videoconference: a key tool for promoting cultural exchange

17 Videoconference exchanges took place between Secondary-school students and authors throughout the show. The feedback was very positive from Secondary-school students, who were "captivated "captivated by the live readings of some of the authors", andand for the teachers, who appreciated the ease of organization.

Visioconférence Skolengo salon du livre Montreuil
Visioconférence Skolengo salon du livre Montreuil

For Madame Castelneau :
With the Teachers, we found that the Students completely embraced these new Practices, and were totally receptive and attentive.The artistic forms were diversified, and each time enabled us to bring together different players in the book chain: authors and publishers, who presented their books and shared their experiences of building an editorial line, or cross-fertilization meetings between authors, illustrators and/or publishers, who talked about their works and shared their experiences of building an editorial line.publishers, who talked about their books and the major publishing fields in children's literature, or exchanged ideas on a particular theme (harassment, ecology, equality between girls and boys, etc.).
Prior to the event, teachers were able to present the artists' works to their students, have them read them and develop the questions that fed into the exchange via videoconference.

According to Marie Carpio : The Videoconference service has been very well received, as it incorporates current practices that everyone is familiar with (invitations via the ENT personal agenda, interaction with students via chat or hand-raising...).Thanks to the integration of the Videoconference service into the ENT, Users can access a single platform and benefit from a range of services in a secure environment.

Other projects supported by the County were set up with the Videoconference service, such as Eco-collège. The themes of ecology and sustainable development were tackled in class by watching documentaries. Next, Secondary-school students were able to interact with associations on these themes, via Videoconference..