New Skolengo features: March-April 2020

New March-April 2020

Published on April 30, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

This quarter's new features include the Skolengo platform, available in several languages, a new Videoconference service and new functionalities in the Teaching, Schooling and Administration & Finance modules.

Skolengo platform available in several languages

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All Skolengo modules are now available in English, French in French, English, Spanish and German.

This internationalization of the platform is of particular interest to schools abroad. It can also be a useful tool in France for integrating certain users more easily into the Educational community, such as parents who don't speak French. Each user can choose the language they wish to display in their dedicated Skolengo space.

An online help is available for all English-language profiles via our and also in Spanish and soon in German for parents..

Teaching: a new Videoconference service and a new development enhance the module

Offer virtual classes to your remote students

With the new videoconferencing service Videoconference service directly integrated into Skolengovideoconferencing service, Teachers can ensure teaching continuity in the Virtual class simply and securely. This new service is accessible on computer, tablet and smartphone.

Rediscover the redesigned and optimized Chat service

The Chat service has been improved to enable all members of the class or group to communicate communicate more effectively in the age of distance learning.

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Schooling: 2 new developments to discover

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Grading by School principals

School principals can edit Gradings and Teacher Assessments.

Consult Student record for all profiles

The Student record can now be consulted by all profiles, including teachers, parents and students in "limited consultation" mode.

The Administrator & Finance module has been enhanced with 3 new functions

Send an invoice or reminder to 2 paying accounts

It is possible to send an invoice or a reminder to both an individual and a legal entity when a company contributes to the school fees for a Child of one of its employees.

Inform pre-registrants by e-mail

It is now possible to send an e-mail to a pre-registered student from his or her record.

Fine-tune invoice numbering

When changing prefixes, you can reset invoice numbers.

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To find out more about these new features and how to use them, Consult news on the Skolengo Academy site dedicated to Skolengo users (to access it, you need to be logged in to your digital space).

Future developments

  • Module Teaching Organiser: optimizing the use of the Teaching binder and textbook
  • Module Schooling Student record: enriched information on the Student record, optimized sending and tracking of SMS messages, management of long-term replacements on the Skolengo Timetable service.
  • ModuleSettings & Finance Modulesimplified access to Skolengo Academy, automatic data transmission between financial management and extra-curricular activities Services