New Services for Administrative and Financial Management

Published on April 3, 2019 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Skolengo adds new Services to offer a modular software solution dedicated to the global operation of Schools

Skolengo: a web platform dedicated to the teaching and administrative tasks of schools

Skolengo, the EMS, offers business services that go far beyond a traditional ENT. The Educational community has access to services with a pedagogical dimension (communication, Teaching, Schooling services, etc.), but also to new services dedicated to the administrative management of schools and settings (administrative and financial management, extra-curricular activities, infirmary, catering, etc.).

With all these functionalities, Skolengo software simplifies the digitization of Schools, enabling those involved in the education system to focus on the success of their missions.

Skolengo certifié Qualiopi

Skolengo's administrative and financial management solution for Schools

Skolengo now completes its School software offering with new Services dedicated to administrative and financial management.

The 5 Services of Skolengo's administrative and financial management software

  • Services gSettings and financial management serviceservice enables School personnel to track the administrative and financial status of each Student from enrolment to departure. The module provides complete management of all School invoicing methods, including intuitive pro forma management and ultra-fast invoice generation.
  • Services gxtra-curricular activities managementservice enables School staff to create and publish their extracurricular activity catalogs online. Families can register their children for extracurricular activities and pay online.
  • ServicesInfirmaryservice enables school or school medical staff to track student visits, consultations and medical files digitally, quickly and on a daily basis. The module includes highly secure processing of personal and medical data.
  • The catering management catering management serviceprovides Schools with all the tools they need to optimize canteen or self-catering/cafeteria management: online registration, invoicing, payment tracking, passage trackingetc.
  • ServicesMultiservice Cardsservice enables Schools to easily create or order all their badges (school access control, canteen or self-service, library, etc.).