[New] Grading: new schoolbook tab for assessment by Skills

Published on March 9, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Teachers can now complete their students' school reports by grading their skills.

Grade your Students on their Skills directly in the Skolengo solution

In the Grading duty, discover the new "School report" tab enabling you to assess a Student's skills in your Subject. Skills are teaching-specific.

This tab is available by default to the management team and the School Principal. It can be opened up to other users (e.g.: CPE / AED) by giving them the "Gradebook management" role in the "Grading duty" service.

The Skills will then be exported to form the student's High school student logbook (LSL).

In the case of co-teaching, the Teacher can work with the other Teacher to modify a skill that has already been issued.

évaluation par compétences
évaluation par compétences

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