[New] CPEs can now enter an assessment during Class councils

Published on March 7, 2023 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

CPEs are now given a new default role, "Saisie appréciation VS", to access student results and assessments in the Grading duty.

CPE : rôle pour les évaluations
CPE : rôle pour les évaluations

The CPE can now :

  • Access the Class councils tab and enter Schooling assessments:
    • Class Assessments ;
    • Student Assessments.
conseils de classe - rôle CPE
conseils de classe - rôle CPE
  • Go to the Passbook tab and enter all the fields in the Commitment block:
    • Student commitments and responsibilities within the School ;
    • CPE's observations on Student's commitments and responsibilities;
    • Observations by the pedagogical team and the School Principal on the Student's commitment and participation in High school life.
  • Access the Assessments tab and enter comments on learning paths :
    • From Class;
    • From Student slap.

In addition to this default role, we continue to recommend that CPEs be assigned the Consult role, so that they can view Grading summaries and report cards.

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