Timetable: optimize the grouping of your students according to their diet

Published on May 31, 2023 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

In the Skolengo Timetable, it is now possible to view a Student's canteen status: day student, boarder, half-boarder or full-boarder.

For the moment, this information is retrieved via School Information System imports only.

The addition of this information is very useful for management teams, as it makes it easier for them to populate groups. For example, by knowing the canteen regimes, management teams can add Course(s) slots between midday and 2 p.m. for half-boarders or boarders.

Régime de cantine sur l'emploi du temps
Régime de cantine sur l'emploi du temps

On the Timetable software, this indication is found in all menus containing lists of students: such as the Group menu, the Student menu, the student detail view (tooltip) or the accommodation view (tooltip).

This makes it easier to filter the Student table and print out Timetables. In fact, the canteen regime also appears on the printable printable PDF Timetables.
Impression PDF de l'emploi du temps
Impression PDF de l'emploi du temps

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