[Testimonial] Schooling: an intuitive and functional module

Published on December 13, 2019 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Mrs. de Oliveira, Principal Education Advisor, and Mr. Michel, Technology Teacher and Digital Referent at Collège F. Rabelais de l'Hôpital (57), give us their feedback on the Schooling life of the Mon Bureau Numérique ENT.

The Grading module: a comprehensive, easy-to-use feature.

As soon as the My Digital Office ENT was set up in September 2018, the teachers and management team easily got to grips with Schooling life, and in particular the Grading-related functionalities. It was easy to set up. "MBN Schooling is a really intuitive module for entering Grades and Assessments", says Mr. Michel, Technology Teacher. After entering grades and assessments, teachers have one-click access to a global Dashboard of Student grades. Class councils can also be organized and run more smoothly, with the automatic calculation of Student averages, the display of Assessments and graphs graphs showing Grade trends. This is a real time-saver. The School Principal has a global view of grades for all subjects, enabling him or her to make a quick overview of progress, with a breakdown by level and the chronological evolution of Student Skills.
Skolengo évaluation collège Rabelais
Skolengo évaluation collège Rabelais

The Absence(s) module: a simple, effective tool for tracking Student absences

Since the introduction of MBN ENT, Ms de Oliveira, CPE at Secondary school F. Rabelais ", has been effectively tracking student absences using the school life module. has been tracking student absences with the Schooling module. The color-coded Dashboard gives her an overview at a glance. overview of Absence(s) and the progress of their processing. It also highlights school dropout thanks to an alert. And with the Statistics module, she saves time in drawing up her Schooling life assessments."
Skolengo tableau de bord absences (témoignage]
Skolengo tableau de bord absences (témoignage]
For Teachers, The Attendance register is a quick and easy to use intuitive Dashboard. With a single click, Attendance registers can be transmitted in real time to the Schooling teams. The Schooling module facilitates the daily tasks of school life teams and teachers.