Teacher's testimony: how to set up a webradio with Skolengo?

Published on April 29, 2019 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Mr. Bruno Conrard, Teacher of History - Geography - Moral and Civic Education at the Secondary school Raymond Poincaré in Bar le Duc tells us how he used Skolengo as part of a web radio project. He also tells us how the functionalities offered by the ENT have enabled him to save time and improve efficiency in his day-to-day work.

A digital solution for setting up a web radio station

Two years ago, Bruno Conrard decided to set up a web radio station in his Secondary school. Since then, the Students have been meeting twice a week to come up with topics, write them up and then record them. This year, with the arrival of Skolengo, he has succeeded in creating a genuine collaborative work with the Students, making it easier to produce podcasts. To get started and simplify exchanges, Bruno Conrard created a Sections visible to all students, teachers and parents. For student editors, he activated the blog, forum, agenda, shared folders and Pad. The Blog enables students to prepare the topic of their presentation. With the Forum, they can ask others for information at any time. Shared folders enable students to exchange research projects and retrieve files. And thanks to the Pad, they can create collaborative articles remotely.

" With all these features, Students have become familiar with collaborative working "

These tools made it easier for them to write their topic. The Students then recorded their podcast with the help of a Radio Meuse FM presenter. The recordings are then broadcast on this radio station. What's more, to develop communication around the webradio, Bruno Conrard has also created a dedicated insert on the School's Home page. " By the end of the year, our aim is to record a full program. We'll have to set up an editorial conference and choose the columnists and host. All Skolengo's functionalities will help us to set up this project. ".

Webradio avec Skolengo
Webradio avec Skolengo

My digital office, a genuine teaching tool

For Bruno Conrard, the MBN ENT (Skolengo solution) offers numerous features that make it easier for him to carry out his day-to-day tasks Organiser, Teaching binder, Class areas, Sections, Shared folders, Blog and Class areas.
As a Teacher, the Teaching binder is a real asset for carrying out your tasks. It makes it possible to showcase exercises in a very aesthetic way. " It immediately looks great, with lots of features to get students working. ". With ENT, he has been able to develop collaborative work with his classes, as well as with other teachers, thanks to the various collaborative spaces (blog, forum, shared folder, pad) made available to them.
Bruno Conrard considers " the ENT as a secure space for storing all Course(s) and Student work. It's better than a USB key, there's no risk of viruses and no forgetting files on computers. Students and teachers alike can find the information they need at any time. "Thanks to this user-friendly, ergonomic tool, he is developing digital practices among his students, while implementing innovative teaching practices such as webradio and soon webtv...

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