[New] Students can easily find the new Corrected assignments

Published on October 11, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

From now on, an indicator will enable Students to distinguish, at a glance, between new Corrected assignments and those they have already consulted.

Are your students suffering from memory loss?

A green "new" label indicates to students whether the Corrected assignment given by their teacher is new or not.Conversely, if the answer key has already been viewed by the student, a "consulted" label will be visible in gray.
They can view this indicator directly from their Skolengo Home page or in the "Corrected assignments" tab of the "Work to do" service.

Travail à faire derniers corrigés nouveau consulté
Travail à faire derniers corrigés nouveau consulté
New/Consult" labels on Corrected assignments in the "Work to do" service

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