[New] Deliver a work to do after the Corrected assignment has been published.

Published on May 9, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

From now on, a Teacher may grant a Work to do after the due date and after the Common corrected assignment has been circulated.

Do you use self-correction as a learning tool?

Teachers can authorize their students to deliver a work to do after the requested deadline and/or after the correction has been circulated.

In this way, a Student who has not yet delivered an assignment can view the Corrected assignment.

This can be done when creating the exercise in the Work to do tab:

  1. Write the instructions (if necessary, add an audio file, images, etc.).
  2. Produce your Corrected assignment
  3. Choose the recipient(s) of the exercise
  4. Customize the Student's Reply mode
  5. Then select the "On-line delivery" Reply mode
  6. Finally, check "Authorize submission of work after distribution of Corrected assignment".

Work to do creation
Teacher's point of view

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