[New] Collaborative: Modify access rights to a shared folder

Published on February 28, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

It is now possible to modify access to a shared folder for students, teachers, school staff and so on.

Your Students' presentations are over, and you'd like to share them with the Class?

Modify your students' access rights as "visitor" so that they can view the contents of the folder. Other rights are possible:

  • Editor
  • Online editor
  • Moderator
  • Administrator
Please note: you must have the roleAdministratororModeratoron the folder whose rights you wish to modify.

modifier les droits d'accès
modifier les droits d'accès

How do I change a Folder's access rights? The Reply is in the online helpSkolengo Academy
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