Innovative Educational practices: how to set up an accompanied Class with Skolengo?


Published on January 18, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Marjorie Tonnelier, a teacher of Lettres-Histoire-Géographie-EMC at the Lycée Pierre et Marie Curie in Freyming-Merlebach, talks about the benefits of Skolengo's features, which make it easier to prepare and run her daily Course(s). It is also a tool that has enabled her to set up an innovative teaching practice: the accompanied class.

Skolengo promotes the development of digital Practices

On a daily basis, Marjorie Tonnelier, Lettres-Histoire-Géographie-EMC teacher, uses the Teaching binder, Work to do, Textbook, Blog and Mailbox. With just a few clicks, she can upload all the information she needs to run her Teaching binder. To deliver attractive activities, Skolengo offers video and image insertion, as well as an audio recorder..

"The Teaching binder offers an aesthetically pleasing presentation of courses. It's a tool that facilitates Student learning. Students know that they can find all their Course(s) in one place, with an attractive presentation (images, video, audio recording). At a glance, they know how the Course(s) will unfold.

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What's more, the Teaching binder also makes it possible to use differentiated teaching methods, in particular with accompanied classes, a new and innovative teaching practice. It's a real asset for helping students in difficulty..
With the Work to do feature, she quickly places the work to be done for each Student in her Organiser, while organizing the Pieces of work to be completed. The Organiser is a real time-saver, enabling her to distribute an activity from her Teaching binder with a single click. Thanks to the Binder, Students can keep a permanent record of their Course(s), making it easy for them to find all the information they need when preparing for exams. At the end of each Course(s), she writes a blog post summarizing or extending her activity. As a result, "Students learn to navigate with a digital tool, and develop their general culture with the additional information on course subjects that I post on the blog".. With the Mailbox, communication is fast and easy, not only with students but also with other teachers.

Skolengo is a complete ecosystem for Teaching.

Easy to implement innovative Educational practices such as accompanied classes

With the MBN ENT (Skolengo solution), Marjorie Tonnelier has notably developed accompanied classes. The aim of this new teaching practice is to develop students' autonomy. Unlike the flipped classroom, with the accompanied class, everything takes place in the classroom. Students work alone or in pairs. The teacher prepares long activities in advance in the Teaching binder. The Teaching binder's layout and tools (video integration, pdf, illustration and audio recording) enable the teacher to guide the Student: activity objectives, instructions, videos. Thanks to these Teaching practices, the Teacher will be able to manage the heterogeneity of different Students.

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