
Liven up your teaching activities and provide each student with individual assistance


teaching skolengo ems
teaching skolengo ems

teaching skolengo ems


dynamic and enriched teaching activities in a flexible manner with multimedia and interactive aids

teaching skolengo ems


the progress of teaching and provide personalised monitoring of each student

teaching skolengo ems


learner autonomy with adapted tools

Teaching binder

In their course binder, the student will find, by subject, all the activities received throughout the year.

The teacher’s teaching binder is a flexible personal space used for organising their materials and allowing them to prepare their learning pathways. They can check what the student views with just one click.

Classeur pédagogique numérique
Classeur pédagogique numérique

Studio de création d'activités
Studio de création d'activités

Activities creation studio

The teacher has a real toolbox for creating interactive teaching activities. Amongst the turn-key tools available, they can use an image as a teaching aid, incorporate a video easily, insert a multiple-choice quiz, a quotation, etc. and use an audio recorder to enrich their activity or distribute work-to-do.

The teacher can recover all the documents they have already produced and easily re-incorporate them into their activity.

With a full-screen display of the activities created, the teacher can use Skolengo to host their course.



The digital organizer is a complete service that with just one click offers different accesses tailored to the activities of the teacher or the student. In “list” or “calendar” mode, each class in the organizer can contain class content or work-to-do.

At a glance, the student instantly finds the list of their next courses and their work-to-do. They can also access their timetable and their teaching binder. This simple, clear organization of the student’s work helps them to stand on their own feet.

Cahier de textes numérique
Cahier de textes numérique

Virtual class skolengo
Virtual class skolengo

Virtual class

With the videoconference service directly integrated into Skolengo, teachers can ensure teaching continuity simply and securely with virtual classes.

This service is accessible on a computer, a tablet computer or a smartphone.

Discover the Videoconference service


From their home page, the student can consult the work already done and that is still to be done with the time dedicated to each task. Depending on the choice of the teacher, the work may or may not be handed in online with the possibility of entering a text, an attached file and/or an audio recording.

For the teacher, the work-to-do management dashboard allows them to view the progress of the student work handed in on-line. They can produce an individual and/or overall corrected version   that they will distribute to a student or a group of students or several classes.

Travail à faire élève
Travail à faire élève

Journal d'activités élève
Journal d'activités élève

The activities calendar

This service is intended for the primary school.

It allows the teacher and families to consult all of the activities and work done in class per day and per week.

It is a strong link between the school and the families.

Production notebook

This service is intended for the primary school.

This service allows students to create activities (drawings, presentations, etc.) that can be consulted by teachers and parents.

Cahier des réalisations élève
Cahier des réalisations élève

Hear from our clients

The audio recorder is very useful for students with special educational needs such as dyslexic students for whom writing presents a real problem.

Aniella Lebeau, teacher

The integration of professional connectors like Moodle brings added value to the missions of teachers. Teaching paths become sustainable.

Jean-François Vendramini, digital education Manager

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