MIS: who are the 5 million users of Skolengo?

Published on June 2, 2020 by - Updated on 02 septembre 2021 à 14H26

More than 5 million users use Skolengo daily. These users evolve within more than 3600 schools and universities across 70 countries. They come from all sectors of teaching and all levels combined.

Who is Skolengo’s public?

Skolengo is a software solution for education. It is a platform that can be accessed in SaaS mode and offers a set of professional modules (communication, teaching, schooling, management and administration and training and administration) to assist the educational community in their daily missions. Skolengo opens the way to digitizing places of learning in all their diversity:

  • This solution is dedicated to all sectors of teaching: public, private, agricultural, technical and professional.
  • The platform adapts to all levels of education: primary, secondary higher, vocational training and continuing education.
  • The solution being multi-lingual, its is addressed to schools and universities all over the world.

Skolengo is deployed in more than 70 countries

Abroad, Skolengo is present in about 100 French schools belonging to the Agency for French Education Abroad but also in international higher education schools like the ITSW in Poland.

The solution is deployed across more than 70 countries.


Skolengo Academy: a website reserved for users of Skolengo

Skolengo Academy is a platform of content and multimedia resources created by and for Skolengo users. Thanks to the diversity of its users (management staff, administrative and financial, administrators, schooling staff, teachers, families, etc.), the Skolengo Academy community offers a rich environment of sharing of multiple resources and usages. This multitude of contents and videos helps the educational community to start using Skolengo but also how to get the most from it.

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